Frame your favourite music memorabilia

Frame your favourite music memorabilia


Music Memorabilia

Music Memorabilia Framing

Whether it’s a signed vinyl record, an exclusive VIP lanyard and ticket stub or your favourite bands tshirt that you’ve worn to every concert. Don’t let your favourite music memorabilia sit there and collect dust.

By framing your precious music memorabilia you not only create a stunning talking piece for your home but you also ensure it will last generation to come.

To create the perfect home for your music memorabilia browse our online range or visit any Frames Now store to discuss your project with one of our team members.

Where can I get music memorabilia framed?

Frames Now stock Australia’s largest range of picture frames, offering the same level of commitment to design advice with all of our ready-made and custom frames.

So no matter whether you are after a simple frame for your poster or a custom made solution for all the pieces you’ve collected over the years, Frames Now take the hassle out of finding the right frame for your music memorabilia.

Music poster framing

Music plays a big role in our lives. Frames Now offers 2 solutions for poster framing:

  • Custom Framing
    • We understand that one size does not fit all. Custom picture framing allows complete customisation of the framing including the size and individual style.
  • Ready Made Frames
    • Boasting the largest range of pre-made frames in Australia and in an extensive number of sizes, our online ready-made frames are available for click and collect or delivery.

Tip: Did you know Frames Now offer in-store printing? Simply bring in your USB and our friendly Framing Specialists will take care of the rest.

Absolutely recommend!

After two visits to Frames Now I have been delighted with the advice and service provided. The quality of work is excellent and the prompt turnaround was very much appreciated.

-Amanda E

Music Memorabilia
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