What’s YOUR favourite movie?
Movie Memorabilia is one of the most popular kinds of artwork to frame. From huge banners once displayed at cinemas, down to limited-run art stills, and everything in between, we love to turn your memorabilia into framed art to proudly display in your home!
We also have many ready-made frames suitable for movie poster framing.
One of our framing specialists has a cinema at home and has the most amazing framed movie memorabilia. Not just framed movie posters, but he has framed movie tickets which he has simply framed with readymade frames and custom matboard.
We have seen some great posters from the Rivoli in Camberwell and also the Palace in Balwyn. Both Camberwell and Balwyn are close to our Surrey Hills store for customers wanting to frame their movie memorabilia.
Everyone loves movies! So why not frame your memories.
Bring your movie memorabilia to your nearest Frames Now store today!